He posted it on Instagram
My name is SAMSON VICTOR popularly known as ONEMANJUNIOR
I have a yearly event tag JERSEYDAYWITHONEMAN which the 4th edition was held on the 3rd of APRIL 2022
I booked @ogb_recent ( Cultist ) for the just concluded edition of the JERSEYDAYwithONEMANthePenalty4.0 edition
Which I have a deal with him that am to pay him 300,000 and to book a flight for ( 2 )him and he’s friend and then I payed in 200,000 to he’s account for booking in down for the EVENT
Then a week and 3days to the event he send me messages that my STATE is no longer save for him to come because of the attack at the AIRPORT then I say to him that he can drop at ABUJA AIRPORT then we use TRAIN 🚆 to KADUNA then he send me the picture of the TRAIN 🚆 ATTACK then i was out of words to tell him which I quickly make inquiry on another ARTIST then I sayed to him I really want you as the FACE of this EDITION but then if you fill the state is not save for you
Should I start making inquiry on another artist?
Which he says yes and should and I did
Den I send my ACCOUNT DETAILS week to my event then I was calling him but he was not picking and then I was fuss to call @EmmyBlaq_efr the HYPEMAN cause he was the person that gave me @ogb_recent number which I told EMMYBLAQ what happen and he say I should pls b calm that Cultist was the one who CANCELED the deal not me so he will make REFUND to me
Then i called for the refund and CULTIST connect me to someone that the guy is he’s MANIGER that i should talk to him about it
Which I called the guy and explain everything to the guy and he then say that I should call EmmyBlaq to call Cultist and talk to him to maKe refund of the MONEY for me, so I did but he refuse picking my calls but
I CALLED and CALLED he was not picking then I knew he never what’s to make the REFUND
But @Ogb_recent ( Cultist ) am giving you 48hours to make my REFUND or I take the NEXT Step which I promise you will not like my NEXT STEP
Call - 08109971159
All Screenshots for our Chat and calls with him are ready to b present anywere anyday anytime.
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